Thursday, July 27, 2017

Profile Assessment

Profile Assessment

Refer to table below

From the table above, some unexpected findings or known but not aware of which is my own input for time and work is indeed much high dependency on others and increment on next year also is might as well unknown. Effort could be taken if may such as change work for higher income. But continuous changing of work apparently is not practical as well. concerning habit and behavior to stay in comfort zone.

well, unlike the others which is different type of capital assets, which is seem to be much more productive in compare. such as the capital no need to rest or sleep and it can keep on growing.
just depends on which type of capital will  bring different kind of results back. so the strength to use $ to earn $ is much more feasible in compare to me earn $. pretty unexpected outcome.

of cause different type of return will bring back different type of risk. so it can be conclude such that risk is live within our life. one can't avoid from it. even you not risk taker, but u risk being taken over by others.

If things is shown as above, then i shall be much reorganized on the effort to be put into. indeed of i put 100% effort into the Me or Paid job. might as well spend more time on capital. since capital return is much more reliable than current Me paid job. as i totally can't control if next year will got any additional pay or bonus etc... although it seem non sense but indeed we live in a very weird world, where hard work people pay less; while risk taker earn more. world have moving to US style where "winner take all"

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