Saturday, December 31, 2016

Movie - The Great Wall

Movie "The Great Wall"

This story is about 2 traveler from west going to east to get the fire powder(bomb) then meet eastern great wall while defending against the monster call "Tao Tei" which is claim to invade china every 60 years(yi "jia") then the foreinger help china to defeat the monster and leave back to west with empty hand(gun powder) but learn somethings called "TRUST". The monster appear like Alien or Bees type. where the queen born these work/attack monster. work monster will go attack and feed the queen while the guard monster is personal guard for the queen. Each monster also have specific work to do.

About the final method they plan to eliminate the queen in order to stop this crisis. At first they let the work monster which capture by them to be feed and let it return. so that it will retun back to queen and feed the queen. When the work monster head to feed the queen it need to pass thru the queen personal guard check before going in.(its not sense as it dislike humean where monster wont kill the queen and replace it) after that they will shoot fire arrow on the work monster carrying fire powder. but they failed to do so for first time as attack was block by queen guard. they use the same method for 2nd time also failed as block by queen guard again. Finally they make improvement thow a magnet that will stop the monster movement while shoot the fire arrow towards the work monster then it blast and kill the queen. monster without queen command cease movement and die. The End.

Apparently when 1 method used and it proof to be fail one must improvise it and improve it so that it will lead to different results, same like the method to kill at first fail. shall improvise into another method.  if that method proof to failed, keep continue it also won't make any different.

1 comment:

  1. I just don't like this type of story, too fake. Chinese have many myth story, no need use western story but put in eastern people, 东方里的西方化演绎方式,不伦不类。

    Recent years, most China film or drama too many computer graphics, but what I feel the graphic are lost of 东方韵味 and traditional. The view also draw by computer graphic, instead China have many different, beautiful real view.
